Big real life problems right here. Should be the headline of every new outlet. Heartbroken but I will be ok and get through this. I just hate change @Chick-fil-A ❤️🩹💔 #chickfila
Girls weekend in Washington DC to see @Kelsea Ballerini and treat my sweet angel to another concert 😜 I’m just kidding she is great and my best friend but she does have a lot of attitude 🧘🏼♀️ #girlsweekend #washingtondc #concertoutfit #momdaughter
No truly because only for her would I buy something pink 😂 for real though, she has shown me so many meanings of girlhood that I didn’t know existed. The REAL meaning of ride or d!e ❤️ #motherhood #girlhood
I am highly aware I am at fault here but she’s just a girl and hopefully she will always want to have shopping dates with me ❤️ #zara #zarahaul #momdaughter
He’s knows it much easier to just say “yes” to my video ideas 😂🫡 end result on my instaaaaa reels @_paigecraig 😝 you da best @Christian Craig #supercross #motocross
On a mission to find all the @Monster Jam mini’s and somehow only got 11/12 because my brain is fried. These little ones are so cute & definitely just bought more on Amazon lol #monsterjam #toddlermom #walmartfinds @Walmart
Surprised Lennon with a little girls weekend to see one of our favs, @Kelsea Ballerini ! Going to see how much sight seeing we can do within a couple hours tomorrow morning too! #kelseaballerini